Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What's in a name?

When I was younger, I honestly thought my name was "Ke-Terri," because that's what my mom would holler when she was frustrated by something I had done. She would start with the first name that came to her mind, my sister Kelly, and then finish with the right one. It's probably a good thing that there were just the two of us. Although once in a while, she would go through the dog names as well..."Sa...Go...Ke...Terri!!" Quite the mouthful!

Now, after 35 years, you'd think that Mere would finally know my name. Not so much, according to my sister. She called me over the weekend to let me know that mom still fumbles my name, but now she includes the first letters of the names of the grandchildren. Great. It seems the conversation went something like this:

Mere: "Have you talked Ch...L...Ke...damnit, your sister today?"

Kelly: "Ha ha ha! Nope, but I will since I have to call Ch-L-Ke-Terri and tell her you still don't know her name!"

Mere: "Hey, give me some credit, at least I didn't drag the dogs into it this time!"

True, Mere, true, but just keep in mind that I get a say in what home we put you in...


Blogger Monty said...

I hear you, hang on to the fact that she loves you. That trumps getting your name right. I know the other side of the coin. Besides, look at how good you turned out!

Sunrise Assisted Living, buy the stock now!

11:34 AM  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

That's funny! I find myself doing the same thing with my poor son sometimes! I'm used to yelling at the dog not him so I'll start out with the dogs name... it just means that you were the good one!

12:16 PM  
Blogger Robb said...

That is too funny! Be nice about the raisin ranch. I sometimes call my daughter by my son's name when she's in trouble. I am just more used to having to yell at him.

1:50 PM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

monty - I know she loves me...and damn, I did turn out to be one hell of a daughter. ;)

lilith - I've always said that the reason she started with Kelly first was just because my sister was always the one in trouble! Of course, Sis calls bullshit on that, but still...

robb - glad to see you made it through the weekend! When's the next J-Unit gathering? I've got a bottle of Cap'n with our names on it. And 'raisin ranch' is about the funniest damn thing I've read all day!

2:34 PM  
Blogger Monty said...

I'll drink to one hell of a daughter. It's gotta be Diet Coke at this hour though.

Hear Hear! To one hell of a daughter!

9:23 AM  

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