Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Aftermath

I've been watching the news all morning, and one thing has become crystal clear to me as the days pass: as devastating as Katrina was, the aftermath of the storm is proving to be much worse.

Looting, armed gangs of desperate people, days without food or water, devastation,'s unfathomable. I have never been through anything like what the survivors are feeling; all I can do is watch the news, see the pictures, hear the desperation in the voices...and pray for the nightmare to be over soon.

I donated money to the Red Cross, the Humane Society, and bought 5 cases of water that I took to a local radio station for their water drive, and I still feel inadequate.

Blessings to all of those affected and may they soon wake up from this nightmare.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too donated to the Red Cross and will give more to the telethons and such that will be airing during the upcoming week. I'm stunned at what's happened. I feel so disconnected from it all that when I watch the coverage on the news it doesn't seem possible that something this bad happed in the US. I don't know why. I pray for the people affected by this tragedy every day.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Monty said...

Amen, And thank you for remembering the animals through the Humane Society. There has never been anything like this in our history as the 4th day of this continues on.

Time to go to the local animal rescue near me, they need help too on a daily basis. I shouldn't forget them too, on an on-going basis.

Thanks for reminding me Ter!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Monty said...

I went looking for how to do a disaster plan. We don't have disasters where I live, but now we have terrorism. I found this site:

but I had trouble getting their pages down.

Ter, with your knowledge, insight, etc. could you help figure out how us normal people do a disaster plan, and evacuation plan? You'd think FEMA.....nope too practical. Thanks again!

5:50 AM  

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