Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Something to ponder

I had a dream last night that I showed up at work naked, which is disturbing enough, but add to that the fact that nobody noticed.

I went around to various clients and just stood there in front of them. "Hell-o!! Nekkid person over here!" No response. Next person, same thing, business as usual. And the next and the next. How could no one notice? Where's the pointing and laughing? The astonished faces? The disbelief? The wolf-whistles? Why did the fact that nobody noticed bother me so much? I mean, really, which is worse: showing up at work naked or showing up at work naked and no one noticing?

No wonder I woke up cranky this morning.

Edited to add (from Naked Revealing what we would try to conceal. To be naked in a dream may thus express either a fear of or a desire for people to know your real feelings; fear of being disclosed or revealed; or discovery of your real self.

Self analysis would be that I'm trying to become a better person, working on my spirit and spirituality, and maybe I'm frustrated that it's not happening as quickly as I'd like. Or it could be I'm afraid of letting go of the defense mechanisms I've hid behind for so long. Afraid to be vulnerable. It's also possible that I have an innate need to be the center of things and feel that I'm not getting the attention I crave.

Or it could be the carrotcake I ate right before bed.


Blogger Robb said...

I assure you I would have noticed!

8:23 AM  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

I would have been upset too!

I wonder what that means when nobody notices.

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's definitely the carrot cake! LOL.

9:55 AM  
Blogger tinyhands said...

"a desire for people to know your real feelings" -- sounds like that fits the circumstances. What have you been hiding?

10:22 AM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

robb - I've no doubt you would, you perv ;)

lilith - my friend thinks it has something to do with my need to be front & center. That's pretty spot on!

kate - probably, but man, was it good!

TH - So, so many things. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Seriously, I agree with that statement too. I guess I've always tried to not show my shortcomings to the world because I want to appear like I've got it all together, but in reality, I'm just a work in progress like everyone else. (BTW, I'm checking the store tonight for those pumpkin seed thingys...they sound awesome!)

12:38 PM  
Blogger Monty said...

An interesting site for dream interpretation. The very bst source I ever saw was Freud's book "The Interpretation of Dreams", 1900. No one has ever done better.

Do you think it's possible you are worried that as you improve, no one will care?

1:03 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

That's interesting! It sounds like you want to reveal more of yourself but are afraid that no one would really respond or react. Hmm...I think I'd prefer to be noticed to if I had that dream. :)

3:45 PM  

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