Thursday, September 22, 2005

It was just a matter of time...

Okay, so a woman who applied for Exteme Makeover on ABC was rejected from the show and 4 months later, her sister committed suicide. Of course, she is now suing the show ( Is she serious? First off, the woman had a history of biploar disorder which does not make for the most stable person. Second, she applied for the show!! I'm pretty sure show executives didn't come knocking on her door and say "You know, you're pretty damn ugly. We can fix that..." Besides, what does one sister being dropped from the show have to do with the other sister committing suicide? I don't want to sound unsympathetic, I truly am sorry the woman killed herself, but don't you think there were already some underlying issues here and she might have done it even without the show?

Also, the article mentions that 5 orphans are suing ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition because the family they were living with kicked them out after ABC re-did their home. Again, how is this ABC's fault? They promised a home make-over and delivered that. It seems that their issue is with the fucked-up family that took them in, used them to get a new house and then kicked them to the curb, not the show.

What ever happened to taking personal responsiblity?!


Blogger Marie said...

I just read the article. So the woman who got rejected is suing the show because HER bipolar sister killed herself? It made it sound like the sister felt bad about disparaging comments made towards the rejected applicant of the show. So confusing. But yeah, I am appalled by this type of lawsuit. Ridiculous. Same goes for the family who kicked out the orphans...that's a separate issue all together and not Extreme Makeover: Home Edition's problem.

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justice to the nth degree.

It will be our downfall.

You gotta love those lawyers and judges.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

People like that make me soooooo MAD!

1:34 PM  
Blogger Robb said...

It's funny how blame always gets placed on someone with deep pockets. Nobody wants to take responsibility for themselves anymore.

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is litigious nowadays. It sucks.

8:18 AM  

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