Monday, July 25, 2005

Charlotte, is that you?

Let me start off by saying that I am terrified of spiders. I can't even get close enough to kill one. I've tried, and it's not pretty. I scream, jump and generally make an ass out of myself. If I find one in my house, I simply retire to another room and let the spider go on about it's business and hope that it will soon go away. With that bit of background: I just made the most ginormous ass of myself…good thing I have a sense of humor. I was in the lobby of my office building, walking to my office and I glanced down and this big (okay, about the size of a dime, but still!) black thing was right by my foot. For all intents and purposes, my brain said "Spider!" When I moved my foot, the thing scurried, and I squealed like a three-year-old sissy. My security officer and engineer were there too, and being the good guys they are, came to my rescue and killed a big, bad ball of lint. My heroes!! I’m such a dork. But damn, was it funny.


Blogger Steph said...

you kill me! spiders do suck, especially when they crawl on your pillow. That's asking for a heart attck right there!

4:13 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

LOL!! That's funny.

I don't like spiders either, especially the "meaty" looking ones. But I don't like to kill them either, so I'll muster enough strength to trap it in a plastic cup and then throw it out into the garden area.

7:43 PM  

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