Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Go west

I am a big, fat hypocrite.

In April of 1998, I packed up the cats and headed to Tampa. It was a big deal to my family since all of us seem deeply rooted in the midwest. No one stood in my way, threw a temper tantrum or hissy fit. They all helped me pack, organized a garage sale, threw me a kick-ass going away party and waved good-bye through teary smiles as I pulled that U-Haul away from the curb.

I loved living in Tampa. The sailing was excellent, the partying was non-stop, the friends were fun... My friend Katie and I rented an apartment on Davis Island that was on the top floor of a building that had been built in the 1920's. Our roof-top patio was the perfect place to watch the sun set over Hillsborough Bay. It was the perfect party pad, and to prove it, we had a party almost every weekend. Saturdays and Sundays were spent on the water sailing to St. Pete, Naples or even Key West. Thursday nights were for racing at the Yacht Club. There's nothing like crewing a J24. I loved living in Tampa, and would probably still be there if my dad hadn't gotten sick in 2000.

I'm sure you're wondering what this has to do with me being a hypocrite, right? I just received a call from my sister and her new husband has been transferred to Colorado Springs. They're leaving in six weeks. I want to be a grown up about this, but right now, I feel like I want to stand in her way, throw a temper tantrum and a hissy fit. That's why I'm a big, fat hypocrite. It's not so much that my big sister is moving, it's that my niece (8yrs old) and nephew (10 yrs old) are moving. As crazy as it sounds, I'm going to miss them more than I'll miss my sister, I think. I mean, I already know her and damn if those kids aren't changing every day. I love seeing glimpses of the grown ups that they're going to be, you know?

My very wise friend Chris has given me some great advice:
Well, speaking from vast experience at being separated from family, it sucks. But, there comes a time in every ones life that we have to let go and let the others we truly love live their lives. They all did it for you when you went galivanting off to Florida. :) I know it's not the same because it's not just Kelly involved, but it still rings true. It doesn't make it suck any less, but it is the way it has to be for this world to continue turning. Letting go and letting live is the only thing you can do. You will visit, and so will they. And, you and your mom can grow even closer to each other.

Smart girl, that one.


Blogger Marie said...

I totally understand! It's hard to let go sometimes. And like you said, you love seeing your niece and nephew grow up. I know where you are coming from in your thoughts and desire to have them close by. :)

7:25 PM  
Blogger Charlie Mc said...

awwww, I am so sorry they are moving away.....:( Hang in there!

7:52 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

Your friend Chris is a smart cookie. Everything happens for a reason. I am a firm beleiver.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Just Me said...

just think...skiing in'll go see them all the time!!

8:05 AM  

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