Friday, July 14, 2006

Back in the day...

It was one year ago today when I first entered the blog-o-sphere. Wow, time sure flies. Here is that first, groundbreaking post:

I love the smell of a new blog in the morning...
first posted 14 July 2005

Believe it or not, I've not got much to say. I know! Hard to believe. Me, the girl who has an opinion on everything. Actually, I'm in a great mood today, which I will attribute to the great girls night we ladies had last night. Nothing crazy, just me and two of my best friends hanging out with two bottles of wine, some great pesto, and lots of girl (read: sex) talk. Very cathardic, as I've been in a bit of a self-imposed drought lately. And truthfully, don't get me wrong, I miss sex, but I really miss kissing, you know? I miss the feel of a guys hand on the back of my bare neck as he leans in for a kiss, starting off soft and almost hesitant, then getting more and more passionate because you can't get enough. I miss resting my hand high on his chest and as the kiss deepens, exploring further. I miss sucking on a man's lower lip before gently nipping it and then sucking on it again... Ahem. 'Scuse me. Got a little carried away...where was I again? Oh yeah, I miss kissing. Let's just leave it at that.

And, just in case you're wondering, yes, I still miss kissing.

Anyway, I'm outta here this weekend; off to Denver for a job interview...wish me luck!!


Blogger Carl Spackler said...

well happy one year blogaversary! i hope you get the job in denver and have even more reason to celebrate!

2:19 PM  
Blogger afromabq said...

one year - that's awesome kc! it's weird reading your post since i feel like i just wrote the same thing about missing sex and kissing. are we in some parallel universe?? :)

10:37 AM  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

Happy blogiversary! :)

10:41 AM  

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