Monday, March 06, 2006

Learning curve

I've been thinking a lot about things I'd wish I'd known when I was becoming a woman; things I'd like to pass onto my 9 year-old niece, whether she asks or not. Things that every woman, no matter how old, should realize.

Every woman should know...

  • how to fall in love without losing herself
  • how she feels about having kids
  • how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a situation head-on
  • when to try harder, and when to walk away
  • how to have a good time at a party, even if she'd rather be elsewhere
  • how to ask for what she wants in a way that makes it most likely she'll get it
  • that she can't change the length of her legs, the width of her hips or the size of her feet
  • that her childhood may not have been perfect, but it's over
  • what she will and won't do for love
  • how to be alone...and be okay with it
  • how to compromise without giving up everything
  • whom she can trust and whom she can't
  • where to go when her soul needs soothing and recharging
  • what she can and can't accomplish in a day, a month, a year
  • its okay to stop measuring herself against someone else's yardstick
  • she doesn't need someone else to make her feel herself
  • who she can always count on for support without judgement
  • she is much more than her bust size
  • how to stand up for herself and her beliefs, no matter what 'they' say
  • it is okay to be strong
  • know the difference between fair weather and forever friends

In my case, some came easy, most came the hard way, and still others are just out of my reach. But I'm working on them.


Blogger SJ said...

Good advice. Some of these things I have been trying to let a friend see are ok to be. I'm hoping I will one day help her see them :)

3:34 AM  
Blogger afromabq said...

what an awesome list kc - very wise advice. i especially like "who she can always count on for support without judgement" and "know the difference between fair weather and forever friends." my friends (and family) have been my life blood! you're an awesome auntie!

8:20 AM  
Blogger Mando Mama said...

This is an excellent list. My sister and I each have five year old daughters (they were born three weeks apart), and actually, trying to model appropriately for our given situations (she is remarried, I am not) is enough to fill a 40-hour work week. We SO don't want them to make the same mistakes we did.

One item that is not on the list but that puzzles us: how to have a lasting, satisfying sexual relationship with a man who actually also loves and respects us enough to let our brains show through. Not sure how you put that into acceptable language for a five year old, or even a nine year old, but it's on the list.

7:54 PM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

Ian- I'm sure she'll discover them on her own. Sometimes it just takes awhile.

Abq- I've always been blessed with great friends. And thanks, I'm trying to be a fabulous aunt!

Mando- I hear ya...that one is a puzzler. Heck, I'm not sure how you'd put it in acceptable/understandable language for a 35 year old! LOL

8:39 AM  
Blogger Carl Spackler said...

thats some great advice. my guess is when i get married and have kids i'll probably end up having all girls...all really really HOT girls. then i'll have all these high school fucks trying to bang my daughters and i'll have to cut their balls off. wow, i better stop.

ps, you ever get my email? i responded to your drunken message.

10:07 AM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

Carl- Until I read your comment, I had no idea I had emailed you. Shit, internet access from home is dangerous. Check your inbox...

And I've always said that every man deserves a daughter. And horndogs like yourself should have at least 6. :)

12:20 PM  

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