Thursday, December 29, 2005


I thought I'd give some what, why, how, when and huh that makes up the who...

  1. I was 15 when I got drunk for the first time. It was at a 4th of July party at the lake and my mom kept giving me sips of her margarita (or more accurately, I took gulps when she wasn't looking). Worst hangover I've ever had.
  2. I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
  3. I've seen James Taylor 9 times in concert. I always go with my friend Tina.
  4. I do not like John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. I realize this makes me un-American in the eyes of some.
  5. When I find myself in the middle of a perfect moment, I will pick up a small rock to remember it by. I keep them in a vase in my bedroom.
  6. I don't like coffee and have never stepped foot in a Starbucks.
  7. I don't have cable TV and haven't for over 7 years.
  8. I respect and admire my grandfather with blind naivete; in my eyes he is perfect and nothing will ever convince me otherwise.
  9. I'm still trying to forgive myself for major mistakes I made in my early 20's.
  10. My earliest memory is of almost dying from choking on a penny. I was three.
  11. I love raw cookie dough.
  12. On roadtrips, I'm the dork who always wants to stop at the lame roadside attractions. My friend Chris hates this.
  13. Since leaving my parents house, I have moved 9 times.
  14. I can wiggle my right ear but not my left.
  15. I think my eyes and my smile are my best features.
  16. When I was young I believed.
  17. My first TV crush was on John Ritter.
  18. Even though I've read everything else Stephen King has written, I've never been able to finish "The Shining", nor have I seen the movie.
  19. My feet are always cold.
  20. I name and talk to my plants.
  21. Even though I graduated high school a virgin, I had a reputation for sleeping around simply because I hung out with the guys. I would pretend that it didn't bother me, but it did.
  22. I've known my friend Tina since I was a year old. I can't fathom not knowing her.
  23. I'm sorry I ever met Shawn.
  24. My shoes are the first thing to come off when I get home. I rarely put them away, so they're usually all over the house.
  25. Once, while drunk, I tripped over my cat and broke three toes.
  26. I think that Etta James' "At Last" is the most romantic song ever recorded.
  27. As a child, being alone in my parent's basement creeped me out. Still does.
  28. I flirt. A lot. This caused problems with my last boyfriend.
  29. My last relationship was not a healthy one. I tried to fit into a mold that wasn't me and lost myself, but I don't blame him for that.
  30. I've never been to Texas.
  31. Sometimes I feel I am not as good of a friend to my friends as they are to me.
  32. I have only been in love once. I still miss him.
  33. My sister's favorite movie is 'The Wizard of Oz" but it's always freaked me out.
  34. When I was 14 I shoplifted a pair of red gloves from JC Penney's. I only wore them once.
  35. I love to write and wanted to be a journalist when I was younger.
  36. My first father died at the age of 40...sometimes I don't think I'll live past 40 either.
  37. I dream in color.
  38. Sometimes I'm jealous of my sister.
  39. I will not swim in a lake.
  40. I look exactly like my mom. And I don't mind.
  41. I believe in a woman's right to choose, same sex marriage and the death penalty.
  42. If I could live anywhere, I'd live on a vineyard in Tuscany.
  43. I met two of my greatest friends in bars.
  44. I put honey on my pizza.
  45. I don't fall in love easily, but I do get crushes all the time.
  46. I've read "Pride & Prejudice" so many times I've lost count. I think that Elizabeth Bennet is one of the greatest characters in fiction.
  47. I cannot sleep without a cover or if the closet door is open.
  48. I still wish on falling stars, lucky pennies and lost eyelashes.
  49. When I was a kid, I thought monsters lived under my bed; I'm still not sure they don't.
  50. I'm afraid I will never be a mom.

That's about all the introspection I can take for the day... Happy Thursday, y'all!!


Blogger Just Me said...

LMAO!!! honey on your pizza...nice!!

9:04 AM  
Blogger jemison said...

I haven't had cable since 1989...I don't think we're missing anything.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Aliecat said...

I'll have to read all these when I get home...big brother is watching me!

11:35 AM  
Blogger tinyhands said...

If you fix #30 I'll help you with #28, and probably #19.

9:30 PM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

Wendi- it's good. Really. You should try it.

jem- true. Besides, all the good cable shows come out on DVD eventually.

alie- don't let the Nazi catch you reading blogs!!

tiny- I could manage that...I've always wanted to see Texas. Especially if you're willing to brave my icy toes. :)

8:48 AM  
Blogger Aliecat said...

I LOVE that song "At Last." I'll be dancing to that if I ever get married.

11:13 AM  

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