Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Letter

When I moved out of my parents house, Teddy wrote me a letter:

Dear Terri,

When you announced that you were moving out, my first thought was "finally!" However, in reality, it is somewhat bittersweet. On one hand I feel that it is time, on the other hand there are several things I will miss with you being gone. So, I thought I would list some of the things I won't miss and some of the things that I will. Amazingly, the two sides pretty well balance each other out. Here goes...

Things I will not miss:
*cleaning your hair out of the bathtub drain
*your sleeping on the divan
*your leaving things where they fall
*the tornadic state of your room
*your sitting on the arms of the furniture
*playing car hockey for a parking space
*worrying about you when you are gone
*your 20 minute showers
*your smelly sneakers

Things I definitely will miss:
*water fights
*your neat sense of humor
*your constant smile and happy personality
*our mealtime conversations
*your jokes (no matter how bad)
*food fights
*your lengthy explaination of the days events
*the many friendly discussions/disagreements we've had
*finding fosselized cookie dough in the strangest places
*having someone to blame for missing food
*finally, not being able to see you as often as I would like


I miss these things too, Teddy, and so much more. You are gone but not forgotten. You are always in my heart and never far from my mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should have known better than to read this one at work. I hate crying at work!! Smiles at the smelly sneakers and the cookie dough. And the tornadic room thing has grown to an entire apartment!! (just kidding)

Luv you lots - miss you more

9:47 AM  

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