Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Showin' August some love

Why is there no holiday in August? While sitting in the Wynkoop Brewery waiting for the St. Patrick's Day Parade to begin, Dawn and I pondered this horrific oversight, and decided that August must feel like the red-headed step child of the calendar. Think about it:

January/New Year's
February/Valentine's Day
March/St. Patrick's Day
May/Mother's Day, Memorial Day
June/Father's Day
July/Independence Day
September/Labor Day

Poor left out August. All the other months have gifts, cards, costumes, apple pie, fireworks, but poor forgotten August gets nada, not even Arbor Day. Zilch. Much discussion went into how we could make August feel better, and we've decided to create our own holiday. It'll be the Non-Holiday Holiday. No gifts, no cards, no costumes, no fireworks (apple pie optional); just bring beer. The date is set, so mark your calendar for the second Saturday in August for the inaugural Show August Some Love Day; be a part of history!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, that is so damn true! i never thought about it before. no fair. lol. i so need another day off from work. there aren't nearly enough in the year.

how'bout blogger appreciation day?

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm there.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Southern Sweetheart said...

I've never thought of that but its true! I can only assume that whoever planned holidays musta thunk that we'd all be on vacation that month.

12:59 AM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

Kate: we thought of making it a day off kinda thing, but thought the floating holiday would be better. Perhaps it'll catch on huge and it'll turn into a 3-day weekend a la Memorial/Labor Days.

Jason: excellent, what kind of beer do you want?

Sweetheart: Glad to see you're back among the living. Feeling better?

7:54 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

A beer holiday? I like that idea.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only are there no holidays in August, but that is when school starts. As a parent it rocks, but as a kid is totally sucked!! Not to mention 100 degree days with 200% humidity in the mid-west. Yep, nothing good about the month of August. I think you may be on to something baby sis!!!

6:10 PM  
Blogger Southern Sweetheart said...

Hey lady! Yes ma'am - I'm feeling much better!!! Thanks for asking!

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of beer? I'm easy as long as it's not too weak.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Hedy De Vine said...

I think it means we're supposed to vacation all month long. Like in France--I think the French go on holiday every August.

1:57 AM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

Tim: Beer anything is a good idea if you ask me!

Kel: You're just mean!

Jason: Boddington's is a favorite. Will that work?

Hedy: An entire month off? That would rock! We all know that in the midwest, the month of August is akin to hell anyway.

10:54 AM  

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