Friday, February 08, 2008

Old schmold

My friend Steph brought up a very interesting point of view this morning:

If 40 is the new 30, then 30 is the new 20...ergo, we're in our 20's right? Right?

I say right on, Steph!! That's the kind of thinking I can get behind!


Blogger Carl Spackler said...

i'm glad you are back to blogging. i was getting concerned. is there a new man in your life that is distracting you from the blogosphere?!?!?

also, i saw a license plate the other day that read "SHMOPEE". i'm assuming its a reference to seinfeld.

finally, i have a my second phone interview for a job out in denver next week. keep your fingers crossed. if all goes well you may have a new drinking buddy!

10:19 PM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

Schmoopee!!! You're interviewing in Denver?! That's some awesome news!! Where? What? When? My fingers, toes, legs, arms, and eyes all crossed for luck!

Send me an email and let me know if you're coming out for a face-to-face and I'll buy the first round. :)

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 is the new 20...??? Baby sis, no matter how you look at it, you ARE pushing 40!!! Luv ya - The older and wiser sis!!!

9:38 PM  
Blogger kcterrilynn said...

kcsis: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala...I am not listening to you...lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

oh, and bite me.

10:20 AM  
Blogger DrDon said...

So is 10 the new infant? As someone in my early forties I can definitely say that 40 is the new 30, except that you're more tired, fatter, and are invisible to younger women. Other than that, it's just like being 30.

6:49 AM  

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